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This Winter, Use Your Child’s Car Safety Seat Correctly

When it comes to auto and winter safety, few of us think about child safety. But as the weather turns bitter cold, it’s time to check that car safety seat (and how you’re using it).

One of experts’ most troubling concerns is with the thick winter coats most kids wear when going out. Since many parents are known to making mistakes when it comes to installing their children’s car safety seats, visiting a professional or a law enforcement agent who’s also a certified car safety seat technician may help you to keep your children safe at all times of the year.

But until you’re able to visit a technician in person, make sure to keep in mind that children should not be wearing coats when their parents are placing them in the car safety seat. Make sure to take your child’s coat off, place the child in the seat and restrain them, then place the coat on top of the children’s body, after the straps have been secured. Because the padding between the child and the straps may keep the child from being properly tightened, the child’s body may slip through the straps and coat in the event of an accident.

Once the child is correctly buckled, parents can place the coat over them safely.

But that’s not the only thing parents should pay attention to when it comes to car safety seats during the winter time. Making sure the child is being placed in a seat that is designed to support his or her weight, height and age is also important.

While most experts urge parents to keep their little ones in rear-facing seats for as long as possible, it’s important to check the seats for their weight, height, and age limitations.

Before using the seat, make sure to install the device correctly by following the product’s instruction manual. Ignoring what the manual tells you to do will put your child in danger.

If you have the opportunity to have your car safety seat checked by a technician where you live, do so quickly to avoid injuries or accidents.

For further details on how to safely use and install your car safety seat this winter to avoid crash-related injuries, follow this link. For more info on how to make sure your child is safe this winter when occupying the car safety seat, watch the video below.

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