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Woman May Go to Jail Over Deadly Distracted Driving Crash

Driving while distracted continues to put drivers and passengers in grave danger.

Instead of playing safe and making sure that phone use won’t expose drivers to risks, many continue to use their phones while behind the wheel. Even in states where distracted driving is illegal.

An accident involving a distracted woman from Wisconsin in 2013 resulted in the death of three children, and according to a series of news reports, the driver may now face 30 years in prison for her actions.

According to a series of reports, the woman is being accused of causing a crash that killed three children, including her daughter. The accident happened in 2013, when the Wisconsin woman as behind the wheel of her SUV. Authorities say she allowed her vehicle to cross the center line while carrying five children in her vehicle. Reports show the woman was texting at the time, while using Facebook’s Messenger app.

Before charges were brought up, the mother talked to reporters, claiming she didn’t remember anything that happened at the time of the accident. Years later, she maintains she still has no recollection of what happened.

Whether the driver remembers the accident or not should not matter when it comes to using this story to highlight the potential risks associated with distracted driving.

Until the trial has been concluded, we won’t know exactly whether the driver was, indeed distracted at the time of the accident. Nevertheless, three children have died as a result of this tragic occurrence.

Drivers should keep in mind that any distraction, even if for just a few seconds, may lead to serious and even deadly accidents.

If this particular driver is found guilty, she could be facing 30 years in jail. Other drivers who break the law, putting their lives and the lives of others in jeopardy may have to experience similar consequences.

If you’re serious about staying safe and avoiding serious and even deadly crashes, put your phone down and avoid other types of distraction. A few seconds of inattention may lead to deadly consequences.

Click here to read more on this tragic accident and the trial.

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