Auto insurance companies have a lot to lose when drivers are reckless and oblivious. After all, if accidents happen because drivers are not doing what they are supposed to, which is to be responsible and attentive, accidents are more likely to happen.
One auto insurance company is doing something to help bring an end to the distracted driving epidemic by making use of a simulator that helps drivers learn the importance of focusing on the road ahead.
Touring the country, Allstate has been working to bring an end to distracted driving — one driver at a time.
With the “Reality Rides” simulator, the company shows drivers across the country what the dangers of distracted driving look like firsthand. After all, over 40,000 people died in car accidents in 2016 alone. One of the biggest contributing factors to the high rates of deadly accidents is, unfortunately, distraction.
According to an Allstate spokesperson, driving while distracted can often be compared to driving while intoxicated. Studies have shown this, as they have shown that attempting to write a text message while behind the wheel is the equivalent of driving blindfolded across a football field. Driving for such lengths without paying attention to what is going on can only result in serious if not deadly consequences.
Today, Allstate says, nearly half of all traffic accidents are caused by distracted driving tied to phone use.
If drivers are not serious about their safety and not ready to take responsibility for their driving habits, chances are they are going to be exposed to injury risks. What’s worse, they will be putting others who are entirely innocent, at risk of being injured as well.
As personal injury attorneys, we understand this reality well. We’ve seen countless innocent drivers being severely injured in accidents caused by distracted drivers. Unfortunately, many of these drivers carry sub-par insurance coverage. As a result, the injured parties aren’t able to have their medical treatment costs fully covered. If you want to make sure that you’re taken care of after an accident and that you’re able to meet your legal and financial responsibilities, then make sure your insurance coverage reflects this goal.