A tragic accident involving a motorcycle rider resulted in his death. The horrific crash took place on Interstate 5.
According to the reports, the 36-year-old motorcycle rider was merging onto northbound I-5 from 93rd Avenue when he crossed all lanes of the freeway, veering off the pavement to the left. As a result, he was thrown from the motorcycle, landing in the middle lane. That’s when three vehicles ran over him. They were a passenger car, a semi truck, and another unknown vehicle.
Authorities declared the man dead at the crime scene and closed the road for about 3 and a half hours.
The rider was on a 2012 Harley Davidson.
Motorcycle Riders Are Vulnerable
Accidents involving motorcycles are often serious because riders don’t have the protection of a car’s carcass, seat belt, and air bags. Because of that, injuries, sometimes fatal, become commonplace in motorcycle accidents.
In this case, we don’t know what caused the rider to veer off the road, causing him to be exposed to risks. However, we do know that many other similar motorcycle accidents involve riders who were simply riding too fast. Speeding makes accidents more likely, whether you’re driving a car or riding a motorcycle.
We hope authorities can investigate this accident in depth so we may learn what happened. Learning the factors associated with this accident could help riders to avoid similar accidents. Furthermore, we hope the victim’s family is receiving the support they deserve and need in this difficult time in their lives.
As personal injury attorneys, we have helped countless families whose loved ones suffered serious or fatal injuries due to an accident. We know the difficulties they experience while trying to make sense of their loss and how they should .
For more information on this particular accident and what authorities are saying, follow this link.