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Left-Turn Motorcycle Accidents

Seattle Left-Turn Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcyclists are at a higher risk of injury and death in accidents because they do not have any substantial protection like airbags, roll cages, etc.

According to the NHTSA, 42% of the fatal, two-vehicle crashes involving a motorcycle happened when the other vehicle was turning left while the motorcycle was going straight, overtaking other vehicles, or passing.

Unfortunately, left-turn accidents involving motorcycles are extremely common. Many people driving other vehicles do not see motorcyclists, especially when there are multiple lanes of traffic. The more vehicles on the road, the more likely a motorcyclist is to be obstructed from view.

Regardless of the cause, left-turn motorcycle accidents can have devastating outcomes. Some lead to serious injuries, while others are deadly.

If you or someone you love is injured or killed in a motorcycle accident, we are here to help. Our attorneys have seen and represented countless cases involving negligence and motorcycle accidents. We can provide you with the dedicated, aggressive representation you need to secure the compensation you deserve.

Common Causes of Left-Turn Motorcycle Accidents in Seattle

At Bernard Law Group, we’ve dedicated ourselves to understanding and combating the causes of left-turn motorcycle accidents. Our experience positions us as the premier Seattle left-turn motorcycle accident lawyers, and we’re committed to using our knowledge to help you as you pursue justice.

Here, you will find some of the most common causes of left-turn motorcycle accidents.

Distraction & Negligence

Distraction is a leading cause of all accidents, particularly involving motorcycles and left turns. A split-second lapse in attention from a driver turning left can have devastating consequences for motorcyclists.

As your injury attorney in Seattle, we aim to cut through excuses, highlight negligence, and secure the compensation you deserve.

Poor Visibility

Motorcycles are smaller and can be harder to see compared to cars or trucks, a fact that becomes critically perilous during left turns. Whether due to inclement weather, poorly lit intersections, or a driver’s failure to properly assess their surroundings, we aggressively argue that poor visibility should never excuse causing harm.

Speeding & Reckless Driving

Speeding and reckless driving dramatically increase the likelihood of severe accidents, especially during left turns. These actions rob drivers of the necessary time to notice and correctly respond to motorcyclists. Our assertive approach challenges reckless behavior, holding those responsible for their actions.

Incorrect Judgments of Distance and Speed

Misjudging the speed and distance of an oncoming motorcycle is a common error that leads to left-turn collisions. Our investigations dig deep, unveiling these critical miscalculations and reinforcing our commitment to obtaining justice for you.

When you come to us, you can feel confident that our experienced motorcycle accident attorneys in Seattle will uncover every detail to prove negligence and fault in your accident.

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Common Injuries Seen in Left-Turn Motorcycle Accidents

At Bernard Law Group, we’ve witnessed firsthand the severe and life-altering injuries that victims of left-turn motorcycle accidents endure. Our involvement in these cases has established us as the leading Seattle left-turn motorcycle accident lawyer and given us a first-hand understanding of the physical toll these accidents can inflict.

Here, you will find some of the most common and severe injuries seen in left-hand motorcycle accidents.

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI): Even with a helmet, motorcyclists can suffer traumatic brain injuries in left-turn accidents, leading to long-term cognitive challenges, physical impairments, or even death.
  • Spinal Cord Damage: Spinal cord injuries often result in partial or complete paralysis, drastically altering lives forever.
  • Road Rash: Although it might sound minor, road rash can lead to severe infections, nerve damage, and require extensive skin graft surgery.
  • Fractures and Broken Bones: The impact force can easily break bones in motorcycle accidents.
  • Internal Injuries: Internal bleeding and damage to organs are less visible but equally life-threatening injuries that demand immediate and extensive medical attention.

These injuries can result in life-long pain for victims, and we work to help you have the compensation necessary to receive the treatment needed.

How We Work to Prove Liability in Seattle Left-Turn Motorcycle Accidents

Seattle Left-Turn Motorcycle Accidents Attorney

When working on your case, we will use our proven process to determine liability in your accident case. This includes:

Comprehensive Investigation

Our first step is conducting a thorough investigation of the accident scene. We gather all available evidence, including traffic camera footage, witness statements, and police reports. This foundational work is critical in constructing a compelling case for our clients.

Consultations with Other Professionals

We collaborate with forensic experts to reconstruct the accident scene and provide testimony on how the accident occurred. This often involves detailed analysis of skid marks, vehicle damage, and other physical evidence from the scene. Our network of medical professionals also plays a key role in demonstrating the extent of injuries suffered, further solidifying our case.

Analyzing Traffic Laws

Understanding and interpreting Seattle’s traffic laws is paramount in proving liability. Our legal team reviews every aspect of the law relevant to your case, ensuring that any violations by the opposing party are identified and utilized to strengthen your claim.

Utilizing Technology

Advanced technology, including simulation software and accident reconstruction tools, is leveraged to depict how the accident unfolded. This supports our argument and helps make the incident comprehensible to jurors and insurance adjusters.

Aggressive Negotiation

Equipped with all necessary evidence and expert testimonies, we enter negotiation phases with one aim: to secure the maximum compensation possible. Our reputation for thorough preparation and aggressive representation precedes us, often leading to favorable settlements out of court.

Preparedness for Trial

We are fully prepared to take your case to trial if a fair settlement cannot be negotiated. Our assertive courtroom presence and skillful litigation strategies are designed to achieve a favorable verdict, holding the responsible parties accountable for their actions.

By choosing Bernard Law Group, you’re not just getting a lawyer; you’re gaining a dedicated team that works tirelessly to prove liability and advocate for your rights and restitution after a left-turn motorcycle accident in Seattle.

Need Justice? Reach Out Today for Legal Counsel

Contact Our Experienced Seattle Left-Turn Motorcycle Accident Attorneys for Assistance

Don’t take chances when recovering from a left-turn motorcycle accident. At Bernard Law Group, we can help you secure the justice and compensation you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a risk-free consultation.

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Over $500 Million recovered for our past clients. Let us help YOU! Call 24/7 for your FREE injury consultation. 206-298-9900

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