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Seattle Distracted Driving Truck Accident Lawyer

Seattle Distracted Driving Truck Accident Lawyer

Recent statistics show that around 13% of all traffic accidents are caused by distracted driving. Distracted driving is one of the most dangerous things that can happen on the road. When someone driving a large commercial truck gets distracted, the results can be devastating.

Trucks are much bigger and heavier than regular cars, so the damage is often much worse when accidents happen. People involved in these accidents can get seriously hurt or even lose their lives.

For this reason, if you are dealing with the aftermath of a truck accident caused by a distracted driver, you need a skilled legal team by your side.

Our dedicated Seattle distracted driving truck accident lawyer at Bernard Law Group is here to help you or your loved ones pursue justice and get the compensation you deserve.

What is Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving is when a driver’s attention is taken away from the road by other activities. For truck drivers, distracted driving is even more dangerous because trucks take longer to stop and are harder to control.

When truck drivers get distracted, they put not just themselves but everyone on the road at risk. This is why accidents involving distracted truck drivers often lead to serious injuries or fatalities.

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How Distractions Cause Truck Crashes

When truck drivers get distracted, even for a few seconds, it can cause serious accidents because they may not be paying full attention to the road. Here are five common ways distractions can lead to crashes:

  • Not seeing vehicles around them: When distracted, drivers might miss cars in their blind spots or right next to them, leading to sideswipes or other collisions. This can be especially dangerous because large trucks have bigger blind spots than regular cars, making it even harder to spot nearby vehicles.
  • Blowing through stop signs or red lights:  If a driver is not focused, they might miss important signals like stop signs or red lights, running through intersections and causing crashes. These crashes can be serious, as trucks take longer to stop and can hit other cars with more force.
  • Drifting out of their lane: When distracted, a driver may drift into another lane without noticing. If they jerk the wheel to correct it, the sudden movement could cause a dangerous rollover, which is especially risky on highways or busy roads.
  • Missing turns or exits: A distracted driver could miss their exit or turn, causing them to swerve or stop suddenly, leading to accidents. Quick, unexpected movements in a truck can confuse other drivers and lead to collisions.
  • Delayed reaction time: Distractions can slow a truck’s ability to react quickly to sudden changes, like a car stopping in front of it or a pedestrian crossing the street. Due to its size and weight, even a split-second delay in a truck’s reaction time can result in serious accidents.

Common Distractions Leading to Truck Crashes

Truck crashes are often caused by distractions that take the driver’s focus away from the road. Some of the most common distractions that can lead to dangerous accidents involving trucks include the following:

Texting While Behind the Wheel

Operating a vehicle while texting is extremely dangerous because it takes your eyes off the road, your hands off the steering wheel, and your mind off driving. When truck drivers text, they can’t focus on driving, which can lead to devastating crashes. That’s why texting while behind the wheel is illegal in many places.

Using a GPS or Navigation System

Truck drivers often rely on GPS to find their way, but adjusting or setting up the GPS while driving can be a big distraction. This is why drivers need to set their GPS before they start driving to avoid the risks of taking their attention off the road.

Eating and Drinking

Many truck drivers eat and drink while driving, especially on long trips. This requires them to take their hands off the wheel and their eyes off the road, which increases the chances of an accident.

Talking on the Phone (Even Hands-Free)

Even if a truck driver is utilizing a hands-free device, talking on the phone can be a major distraction. It takes mental focus away from driving, which can slow down reaction times and lead to dangerous situations on the road.

Adjusting Radio or Music Devices

Changing the radio station or adjusting the volume might seem harmless, but it can distract a driver from the road just long enough to cause a crash.

Daydreaming or Fatigue

Long hours on the road can cause truck drivers to daydream or become tired, which affects their ability to concentrate on driving. A distracted or tired truck driver is much more likely to cause an accident.

Using In-Cab Technology (e.g., Dispatch Systems)

Many trucks are equipped with in-cab technology, like dispatch systems, that allow drivers to communicate with their company. However, using these systems while driving can be a big distraction, leading to accidents.

Grooming or Personal Hygiene

Some drivers might try to save time by brushing their hair, shaving, or even applying makeup while driving. But grooming behind the wheel is dangerous because it distracts a driver from the road.

Reading Maps or Printed Directions

Truck drivers sometimes rely on printed maps or directions. Looking at these while driving takes their eyes off the road, which can lead to serious accidents.

Passengers or Conversations

Talking to passengers or communicating over CB radios can take a truck driver’s focus away from driving. Even though it seems harmless, it’s a distraction that can lead to accidents.

The Dangers of Distracted Driving in Commercial Trucks

Driving a truck is not the same as driving a regular car. Trucks are much bigger and heavier, which means they take longer to stop and are harder to control. When a truck driver gets distracted, even for just a few seconds, the consequences can be catastrophic.

A large truck can cause serious injuries or even fatalities in a crash. The size and weight of these vehicles make accidents far more severe, causing major property damage and life-threatening injuries. That’s why it’s important to understand the risks and know that there are Seattle distracted driving truck wreck lawyers ready to help victims get the compensation they deserve.

Need Justice? Reach Out Today for Legal Counsel

Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit

If you’ve been hurt in a truck accident caused by a distracted driver, you might be able to file a personal injury lawsuit. This is a way for you to get money to help pay for your medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses related to the accident. Filing a lawsuit is important because it holds the truck driver and possibly the trucking company accountable for their actions.

Proving Distracted Driving

To win a lawsuit, you need to show that the truck driver was distracted at the time of the crash. This can be done by using evidence like phone records, video footage, and witness testimony.

Determining Liability

In some cases, the trucking company can also be held responsible if it didn’t properly train the driver or had poor policies that encouraged distracted driving.

The Role of Legal Representation

This is why having a Seattle distracted driving truck accident lawyer is so important. They can help you gather the necessary evidence, build a strong case, and ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

Compensation Available to Truck Accident Victims

Distracted Driving Truck Accident If you’ve been injured due to a distracted driving truck accident, you may be entitled to various types of compensation, such as:

  • Medical Expenses: This covers the costs for any immediate care, like hospital visits, as well as any ongoing treatments you need because of the accident. It ensures you’re not stuck paying for medical bills that weren’t your fault.
  • Lost Wages: If your injuries stop you from working, you can recover money for the income you’ve lost during your recovery. You can also seek compensation if your ability to work in the future is impacted.
  • Pain and Suffering: Beyond physical pain, you might also feel emotional distress or lose enjoyment in things you used to love. This compensation can help you cope with the emotional toll the accident has taken on your life.
  • Property Damage: If your car or personal items were damaged in the accident, you can get money to repair or replace them. This helps you get back on your feet without worrying about the costs of fixing or replacing your belongings.
  • Wrongful Death: If a loved one died in the accident, their family can seek compensation for funeral costs, lost companionship, and other damages. This is a way to help families cover the financial and emotional burden of losing someone they love.

Call Our Seattle Distracted Driving Truck Accident Lawyer Now

If you have been harmed as a result of a truck accident caused by distracted driving, or your loved one has lost their life, it’s important to act quickly.

Bernard Law Group’s Seattle distracted driving truck injury attorney is ready to help you every step of the way. Don’t wait to get the compensation you deserve. Contact the best distracted driving truck accident lawyer in Seattle today for a free consultation.

Reach out to us to learn more about your legal options and how we can help you. Our affordable distracted driving truck accident attorney in Seattle, WA, is here to make sure you get the justice and compensation you deserve.

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